[영한성경] 창세기 26장 - Genesis Chapter 26
창세기 26장 (영한성경) Genesis Chapter 26 창세기 26장 (Genesis Chapter 26) 1 And there was a famine in the land, beside the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went unto Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Gerar. 아브라함 때에 첫 흉년이 들었더니 그 땅에 또 흉년이 들매 이삭이 그랄로 가서 블레셋왕 아비멜렉에게 이르렀더니 2 And the LORD appeared unto him, and said, Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of..
2019. 7. 8. 08:03